BIOT Trials

Phase I Trials

Prosensors and Packetpeek are nearing the end of Phase I trials as of October 2017. These trials consist of about 20 units in the field located at several different IP addresses. The goal of these trials is to test the robustness of battery life and durability, and the consistency of the incoming data. As of October, approximately five months of data has been collected and examined. So far there have been only minor issues with the infrastructure, all of which have been resolved with code tweaks either at the device end or the server end.

Phase II Trials

A more extensive trial involving a wider field of test users is set to commence in mid October 2017. Packetpeek has been upgraded to a fully functional Lightweight IOT platform with double-redundant servers in North America. This will allow for the handling of a much greater volume of devices communicating with the server. During this period, both the original design of the BIOT will be tested among at least 100 trial users, and an upgraded version of the BIOT including data security and expanded two-way data communications will be introduced.

Update January 2019

The trials of about 40 devices over the winter have proven successful! Prosensors is happy to announce that no units failed in the field, including two that endured temperatures below -30 celcius for several consecutive nights north of Gatineau. Devices set to trigger only on alarm are on track to last over 5 years, whereas rapid-update devices have exceeded expectations and are still active, sending wifi packets on 2 AAA batteries after 15 months

Now in 2019 Prosensors is moving to a much larger trial of 1000 devices in the field while Packetpeek is finishing development of a superior IOT platform that can be installed on clients' server hardware and replicated

Update August 2019

Packetpeek Beta is now in operation and has migrated to a new server home. 1000 BIOTs have either been built or are in progress, with many of the new version now in the field for testing on the latest Packetpeek platform. Stay tuned for more announcements in the Fall and big changes for both Prosensors and Packetpeek